Random Acts of Architecture

Wisdom for the IT professional, focusing on chaos that is IT systems and architecture.

Adapting Software: A Case for Generalists

Colourized Photo of Charles Darwin

Developing and improving software or IT services is challenging. With change the only constant and competition fierce, organizations often live and die by their ability to adapt.

Unfortunately, most organizations are not structured to adapt quickly. Many fool themselves with superficial agile practices without building any real understanding. Some hire external consultants whose benefit ends with their consulting engagement. Others undergo discrete transformations, unaware that adaptation is continuous.

I find it helpful to think of software or IT services requiring three primary foci.

The first is automation. Usually fulfilled by software developers, this is what most people think of with software or IT services.

The second is knowing the customer. For example, an IT service targeting health may need to understand how doctors or clinicians work. A network management service requires understanding routers, networking and network security.

Multi-sided markets may require understanding multiple customer types. Uber, for example, requires understanding both passengers and drivers.

The third is providing the service. This focus includes onboarding/offboarding, billing, service desk/support, security and scalability/performance. Multiple roles within an organization often handle these.

The challenge with most organizations, and a significant reason they have difficulty adapting, is they hire specialists for each focus. Software developers, for example, are usually hired solely for their ability to write software.

Unfortunately, understanding one focus can only take you so far. For example, if you only understand the customer, you risk creating an uneconomical or impractical service. If you only understand automation, you risk automating things of little value. If you do not understand delivering a service, you will struggle to provide one efficiently and economically.

There are exceptions. Product Management is often familiar with the customer (second focus) and providing a service (third). They understand the economics and finances. However, they often distance themselves from automation to prevent a bias toward what their existing services can easily provide.

Management also absorbs a little of all three foci. However, their understanding is often shallow. Their attention is usually broader than just product improvement.

The solution is to identify and then incentivize specific staff to generalize across all three foci. They need to learn enough of each to (1) understand the impacts of a decision or change in one focus on the other foci and (2) identify when opportunities in one can provide a nett benefit.

By comparison, separate individuals struggle with this, even those who communicate well. We often think we know more about others’ roles and needs than we actually do. There is a “critical mass” of understanding that these generalists need to achieve.

The concept of hiring generalists or “T-shaped” skills is not new. However, this usually applies within one of the foci. For example, software developer generalists are often “full stack” developers, not ones familiar with non-technical areas.

Finding generalists is difficult. Each business is different and has different needs. While many universities offer combined IT and business degrees, they usually produce IT management candidates. While some universities provide mixed degrees, they often neglect the third focus on effective service delivery.

Similarly, many want to specialize and master their chosen craft. It is a better understood and measured career trajectory.

Importantly, these generalists do not replace specialists. Organizations need sufficient specialists to deliver each focus.

However, the best generalist candidates demonstrate interest or passion across all three areas. Submerge them in each focus, challenge them to translate the challenges and benefits of each and then task them with identifying bottlenecks and potential improvements.

One of the first hurdles they usually encounter is management structures. Organizations are usually built around similar skills, not business output. Organizations usually incentivize teams or departments around cost minimization and throughput, not customer value.

However, with executive support, creating and supporting these generalists will break down barriers and help the organization adapt quickly. Without doing so, organizations will stagnate, often too siloed or distracted by short-term problems.

Charles Darwin was right. Natural selection applies to organizations, too. Those that cannot adapt will be replaced by those that can.

IBM zDay

IBM zSystems Hardware

Tomorrow, on 15 September 2022, IBM is hosting a free, virtual, one-day conference called IBM zDay. It covers audiences from students to traditional mainframe operators and topics from Linux and cloud to mainframes, piquing my interest.

For some, the brand IBM conjures images of dusty mainframes, almost the antithesis of what seems “in vogue”. Information Technology can be a “winner takes all” industry, where only a few players dominate. 

However, dismissing IBM is unwise. IBM is still a vast services company, owns Red Hat and drives significant research and innovation. Also, a vendor’s dominance does not mean its products automatically are the best for you.

Examining how different vendors solve the same problem is fascinating. Each has different strengths and messages. Looking at the same problem with different eyes can find assumptions or bottlenecks. For example, a hypothetical vendor or product switch could highlight opportunities or optimal choices.

In a world where cloud-based services abstract and commoditize hardware and networking, IBM is pushing its zSystems hardware. These modern mainframes run Linux simultaneously with more traditional mainframe operating systems. Understanding their capabilities and economics is pivotal, given that many companies still use on-premise equipment for mission-critical systems.

The Modernization stream looks interesting. Every established organization supports legacy systems they would develop differently if modern solutions were available. Vendors often ignore these, focusing on the “latest and greatest” offerings. While likely aimed at selling new IBM solutions to existing IBM clients, seeing a vendor focus on this area is refreshing. 

IBM also sprinkles often overused terms like artificial intelligence, sustainability, security and privacy throughout the schedule. Seeing “big blue” deliver something substantial or unique would be welcome.

Unfortunately, the timezone for IBM zDay is not friendly to Australians. However, I registered and look forward to perusing key sessions afterwards. Even if I am not an IBM customer, a broader understanding helps me be a better IT professional.

Separating the Wheat from the Chaff: Unpacking Professional Opinions

Fueled by the advent of social media, opinions now surround us. Seemingly everyone has them and broadcasts them to the broader world. Untethered from context and expertise, such expression usually leads to validation or ridicule instead of healthy debate. Uncritical opinion sharing can drive tribalism, becoming a foundation of identity as adherents one-up each other with more extreme views.

Professional environments face different challenges with opinions. They are smaller and simpler than worldwide social media and rarely emphasize extremes. However, organizations frequently need to make quick decisions on incomplete or uncertain information. For example, to solicit feedback on a proposal or design.

Opinion gathering can be a helpful tool. Requesting opinions can reveal similar initiatives, valuable metrics and new perspectives. It can also extract contradictory, irrelevant, ill-informed or otherwise not valuable input from the wrong people.

Effective opinion gathering requires preparation then focusing on relevant motivation, experience and facts.

Preparation involves asking the questions you should ask before seeking feedback.

Creating and sharing a succinct document or presentation clarifies the problem, sets its scope and answers common questions. It gets better quality opinions sooner.

Defining the audience ensures the audience is complete and not excessive. It also helps set an end to opinion gathering.

Preparation should be proportional. Not every issue needs documentation and a plan. However, taking a few moments to think is almost always beneficial.

Unfortunately, opinions are sometimes unsolicited or not on topical problems. On topic opinions may be outside the scope or imply impractical changes.

While perfect alignment is rare, the most useful and actionable opinions come from those with benign motivations. Opinions from those with different views or incentives need careful consideration.

For example, salespeople are often commission-motivated. They are likely to favour whatever gets them their next sale. However, they also have frequent close contact with customers, giving unique insights.

In IT, non-technical stakeholders are not accountable for warranty (e.g. speed, security, reliability, maintainability), only for utility (e.g. correctness, completeness). They will often neglect or downplay quality issues. However, they may also represent a broader or long term view than just the immediate technical details.

Stakeholders may have conflicting motivations. Managers have to weigh short-term targets against long-term goals. The decision-fatigued or overworked may suggest the easiest path over the best one.

Even well-intentioned opinions can be problematic. For example, aspiring experts may give unsolicited ideas, trying to appear knowledgeable in the guise of assistance. Some merely repeat others’ opinions they found compelling. Confidence and credibility are different things.

Potentially the most dangerous opinions are those with an unknown motivation. Actual dishonesty is rare in professional settings. However, self-promotion and self-preservation evolve from helpful to essential as you climb the management ladder.

The opinion giver’s experience is also significant. It prevents foreseeable mistakes and imparts acquired wisdom.

However, there is relevant and less relevant experience. “The last time we did this” may have been under different market conditions, finances or staff.

Experience does not imply expertise. Seemingly capable people may have knowledge gaps, poor tools or incomplete awareness.

People may not adapt or improve, repeating poor practices or old mistakes. Sometimes years of experience are just repeating the same experience.

Like motivation and experience, saying facts are pertinent is an understatement. These include measurements, dates, budgets, quotes and anything that most agree is hard to dispute. They are more effective at forming or changing opinions in professional settings than on social media.

Often the source’s trustworthiness is the most crucial factor in disputes. However, referencing “The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries, anything auditable, actionable, and accessible should be convincing.

Facts should be complete and, like experience, relevant. Statistics or definitions can ignore inconvenient data. Averages imply an often inaccurate or oversimplified modal distribution.

Fact-producing experiments are generally more effective than expertise. They consider local conditions and capabilities. Repeatable experiments are even better because they can become goals to achieve or metrics to track success or failure.

Changing your organization or peers to give better opinions is challenging, particularly given the self-entitlement enabling social media that surrounds us.

However, you can change the way you give and receive opinions. While everyone is entitled to opinions, not all opinions are equal. Thinking critically about those given and received helps professionally and in the broader world.

Image from https://www.thebluediamondgallery.com/handwriting/o/opinion.html. By Nick YoungsonCC BY-SA 3.0 from Alpha Stock Images.

Twitter will never outsource its algorithm

Elon Musk sparked controversy with this recent attempt to take over Twitter. Many support him, citing Twitter’s relatively poor revenue and Musk’s success in turning seemingly unprofitable ventures, like electric vehicles and space exploration, into successes.

However, his recent Twitter poll caught my interest, where 82% of over one million responses voted that Twitter should open source its algorithm.

Musk explained further during interviews at the TED 2022 conference. The “Twitter algorithm” refers to how tweets are selected then ranked for different people. While some human intervention occurs, social networks like Twitter replace a human editorial team’s accountable moderation with automation. Humans cannot practicality and economically manage and rank the estimated 500 million tweets sent per day.

By “open source”, Musk means “the code should be on Github so people can look through it”. Hosting software code on github.com is common practice for software products. Third parties can examine the code to ensure it does what it claims to. Some open sourced products also allow contributions from others, leveraging the community’s expertise to collectively build better products.

Musk says “having a public platform that is maximally trusted and broadly inclusive is extremely important to the future of civilization.” People frequently demonize social networks for heavy-handed or lax “censorship”, depending on their side in a debate. Pundits claim social networks limit “free speech”, conveniently forgetting “free speech” means no government intervention. Pundits cite examples of the algorithm prioritizing or deprioritizing tweets, authors or topics. They also cite account suspensions and cancellations, sometimes manual and sometimes automated.

Musk assumes that explaining this algorithm will increase trust in Twitter. He called Twitter “a public platform”, implying not just public access but collective ownership and responsibility. If people understand how tweets are included and prioritized, the focus can move from social networks to the conversations they host.

Unfortunately, understanding and trust are two different things. Well understood and transparent processes, like democracies’ elections or justice systems, are not universally trusted. No matter the intentions or execution of a system, some people will accuse it of bias. These accusations may be made in ignorant but good faith, observe real but rare failures or be malicious and subversive.

Twitter’s algorithm is not designed to give equal exposure to conflicting perspectives. It is designed primarily to maximize engagement and, therefore, revenue. It is not designed to be “fair”. Social networks are multibillion dollar companies that can profit from the increased exposure controversy brings. Politicians alienate few and resonate with many when they point the finger of blame at Twitter.

Designing an algorithm for fairness is practically impossible. You can test for statistical bias in a numeric sample set but not across the near entirety of human expression. Like the philosophers opposing the activation of Deep Thought in Douglas Adams’ Hitch Hiker’s Guide the Galaxy, debating connotation, implication and meaning across linguistic, moral, political and all other grounds is an almost endless task.

Assuming transparency can assure trust and fairness is possible, open sourcing the Twitter algorithm assumes the algorithm is readable and understandable. The algorithm likely relies on complex, doctorate-level logic and mathematics. The algorithm likely includes machine learning, which uses no defined algorithm. The algorithm likely depends on custom databases and communication mechanisms, which may also have to be open sourced and explained.

This complexity means few will be able to understand and evaluate the algorithm. Those that can may be accused of bias just like the algorithm. Some may have motivations beyond judging fairness. For example, someone may exploit a weakness in the algorithm to unfairly amplify or suppress a tweet, individual or perspective.

Musk’s plan assumes Twitter has a single algorithm and that algorithm takes a list of tweets and ranks them. It is likely a combination of different algorithms, instead. Some work when tweets are displayed. Some run earlier for efficiency when tweets are posted, liked or viewed. Different languages, countries or markets may have their own algorithms. To paraphrase, J.R.R. Tolkein, there may not be one algorithm to rule them all.

Having multiple algorithms means each must be verified, usually independently. It multiplies the already large effort and problems of ensuring fairness.

Musk’s plan also assumes the algorithm changes infrequently. Once verified, it is trusted and Twitter can move on. However, experts continue to improve algorithms, making them more efficient or engaging. Hardware improves, providing more computation and storage. Legal and political landscapes shift. Significant events like elections, pandemics and wars force tweaks and corrections.

Not only do we need to have a group of trusted experts evaluating multiple complex algorithms, they need to do so repeatedly.

Ignoring potentially reduced revenue from algorithm changes, open sourcing Twitter’s algorithm also threatens Twitter’s competitive advantage. Anyone could take that algorithm and implement their own social network. Twitter has an established brand and user base in the West, but its market share is far from insurmountable.

There are other aspects to open sourcing. For example, if Twitter accepts third party code contributions, it must review and incorporate them. This could leverage a broader pool of contributors than Twitter’s employees but Twitter probably does not need the help. Silicon Valley tech companies attract good talent easily. Some contributions could contain subtle but intentional security flaws or weaknesses.

If the goal is to have a choice of algorithms, is this choice welcome or does it place more cognitive load on people just wanting a dopamine hit or information? TikTok succeeded by giving users zero choice, just a constant stream of engaging videos.

Evaluating an algorithm’s effectiveness is more than just understanding the code. It requires access to large volumes of test data, preferably actual historical tweets. Only Twitter has access to such data. Ignoring the difficulty of disseminating such a huge data set, releasing it all would violate privacy laws. Providing open access to historical blocked or personal tweets would also erode trust.

Elon Musk has demonstrated an uncanny ability to succeed at previously unprofitable enterprises like electronic vehicles and space travel. Perhaps there is more to Elon’s Twitter plan than is apparent. Perhaps he is saying what he needs to say to ensure public support for his Twitter takeover.

While open sourcing Twitter’s algorithm appeals to the romantic notion that information is better free, increased transparency will not create a “maximally trusted and broadly inclusive” Twitter. Social networks like Twitter coalesce almost unbelievable amounts of data almost instantly into our hands. They have difficulty with contentious issues and, therefore, trust because they reflect existing contention back at us. It is easier to blame the mirror than ourselves.

The image is a cropped version of https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Programming_code.jpg. Used under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

If it were easy, we would not need good IT architects

It is hard not to find advice on being a great IT architect. Beyond modelling and technical details, good advice includes effective persuasion, people skills and persistence. However, the need for non-technical skills is often left as self-evident or explained superficially. It also glosses over important details and distinctions.

Traditionally, IT has two types of roles. The first role is the implementor, such as a software developer, network engineer or QA. They produce non-delegatable outcomes. The second role is a manager or executive, someone accountable when something goes well or poorly.

IT architects fit into neither role. Their value becomes apparent when the project or organization gets big, complex or conflicts with team objectives. They are not more intelligent or more capable than implementors or management. Instead, they solve an emergent need.

IT architects are internal consultants, helping team members to execute and management be successful. Enterprise and senior solution architects increasingly provide executive decision support instead of design, almost becoming a separate role.

However, being a consultant has two fundamental but often missed implications for IT architects. The first implication is an IT architect has no intrinsic authority. Their authority stems from the stakeholders, usually management or executives, that their architectures enable or support.

Whose authority is usually evident in client-facing product teams who share a reporting structure. However, this is often unclear in projects spanning multiple reporting lines, such as large or siloed organizations or internal IT projects. Shared responsibilities between business and IT muddy this further.

The second implication of an IT architect being consultative is people often incorrectly think IT architects, like consultants, are paid for their opinions. Yes, implementors consume the artifacts produced by IT architects, like designs and principles (“opinions”). However, neither stakeholders nor implementors blindly accept them.

Instead, an IT architect should prioritize and justify their outputs as stakeholders do to their superiors. This approach consists of three pillars.

The first pillar is financial. How do the IT architect’s actions make money, save money or lose less money? Start with understanding how the organization funds projects. For example, if maintenance and operation costs are separate, the IT architect may need to justify up-front efforts to reduce each to different stakeholders. A move to IaaS cloud hosting is easier if the organization favours OpEx over CapEx.

The second pillar is metrics. Executives and managers often have objectives, measures or other targets they need to reach. While they are rarely perfect, an IT architect should understand them and reference them. For example, if cost-saving is a metric for a critical stakeholder, ensure the design reduces net cost.

The third pillar is language. The IT architect should learn and use the terms used by executives and managers. Such language varies between organizations and shifts over time but talking like decision-makers helps an IT architect seem credible.

Another question is how much authority the IT architect holds. There is no definitive answer. Less technical management and executives often dismiss the question as an IT issue. IT management may lack the strategic incentives to avoid cutting corners. Organizations rarely question the level and nature of authority when successful. However, they can scramble when things go downhill. 

Aligning expectations and processes beforehand, both individual IT architects and the team, is a practical first step. How is development tracked against the architecture? Is there a process for changing or disregarding parts of an architecture? How do you differentiate poor execution from a good architecture or vice versa? 

Once an IT architect establishes this, IT architects can then differentiate the value of their project from their value as IT architects. The accountability for a project rests with the appropriate executives and management, not the architect. The IT architect needs to focus on their part in it.

Selling an architecture or design and selling the value of an IT architect are related but different activities. Selling a design, for example, requires helping the customer meet their own goals more effectively. It happens periodically, usually once per project. It makes you authoritative for that project. Selling an IT architect role and understanding stakeholder needs are both ongoing, continuous processes.

IT architects are a bit like CEOs. CEOs’ primary customers are the investors or owners of the organization. While ignoring actual customers or staff seems cynical, good investors care about the organization as a whole and beyond just customers’ short term needs.

An IT architect’s “investors” are their stakeholders. Like CEOs, IT architects will rarely keep everyone happy. Not every team will have every need met. Every change involves winners (profit, less work) and losers (more work, more responsibility).

The success of an IT architect relies on their ability to identify and sell their value to the correct set of stakeholders. Selling is challenging and complex. Stakeholders are rarely technical, at least from an architect’s viewpoint, and require empathy.

For example, non-IT management wants justification in business terms, usually financial. They often regard “good design practices” as an unnecessary expense. While organizations are using more technology, technology is rarely a core business competency or differentiator. The onus is on the IT architect to justify anything beyond a minimal expenditure.

Having to justify technology use constantly is frustrating. IT architects often evolve from technologists who “look up” or “see the big picture”. However, the big picture is not really about technology. It is about the application of technology to broad, often ill-defined and contradictory goals. If it were easy, we would not need good IT architects.

Image credit: Creator: Sergey Nivens | Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

The Power of Alternatives

For most of us, smartphones replaced paper maps long ago. You enter your destination, and it presents you with multiple potential routes. Given one route is often fastest, why bother?

The smartphone may not have all the information, such as weather or traffic. The phone does not know that an alternate route may be faster.

Perhaps the environment changes after navigation starts. Having a prepared alternate makes switching routes easier.

Speed may not be the crucial attribute. Maybe the driver wants the psychological safety of a familiar but slower route. Maybe one route is more enjoyable and scenic. Maybe the driver wants to shop on the way.

The fastest route may also have variability or risk. Maybe a football game at the local sports ground will finish soon. If time is tight, the time of a slower route may be more predictable and, therefore, better.

These reasons also apply to IT architectures at any level, whether technical/component, solution or enterprise.

The problem is most IT architects come from an implementor background, like software developers or network engineers. Good implementors build complex and deep mental models of their systems. These models allow implementors to both isolate issues and plan small to moderate changes quickly and effectively.

Organizations incentivize implementors to make changes quickly and with low risk. Having a good mental model facilitates that. The sooner an implementor can envisage and choose a solution, the sooner they can implement it and the sooner it can ship. This speed inspires confidence and provides technical leadership.

However, architects need to think differently to implementors. They still need higher-level mental models but should think more strategically (“Are we solving the correct problems? Is the solution complete?”). IT architects also need to think politically (“How do I convince stakeholders of the solution’s value and my value?”).

An architect should own all technical solutions in a business problem space. Providing a single solution implies the architect owns the solution, not the problem space. Subsequent design changes, even improvements, may diminish the architect’s credibility.

Focusing on a single solution alters how people justify them. The more assured people are that a solution is best, the less strongly they argue for it. They lose empathy with others to whom the solution’s merits are less clear. They often think beyond the design and evaluation stage and are frustrated when yanked back. Alternatives contrast and identify the solution’s pros and cons.

Providing multiple solutions helps generate discussion. Stakeholders may have differing preferences. Presenting different solutions, like playtesting a game’s rules or A/B testing a website, can draw out these preferences and derive the best solution. Stakeholders are customers.

Creating good alternatives and fighting an implementor’s instincts is difficult. The trade-offs are situation- and stakeholder-dependent.

That said, most organizations treat IT purely as a cost. Therefore, the biggest concern in any IT system is cost, including staff, time, and money. Create alternatives that minimize one or more of these by dropping, substituting or minimizing features.

Never sacrifice quality when creating alternatives. Stakeholders, particularly executives, are often not accountable for maintainability, security, availability, and the like. If they are not accountable, they do not care. For those that are accountable, quality is hard to quantify or demonstrate, so executives almost always delegate it.

Another alternative source is the “shortest path to value” (SPV). SPV identifies small projects within large ones with the biggest “bang for buck”, embodying the Pareto principle or 80:20 rule. SPV reduces otherwise massive projects that are hard to scope or have high schedule risk, making them more concrete and predictable.

Consider implementing the project using different technologies (tools or frameworks) or teams. Another team, even if only hypothetical, may take a different approach. Using or avoiding the technology de jour also opens possibilities. A greenfield project has advantages and disadvantages over non-greenfield projects.

Re-examine constraints or “bad ideas”. Even “hard” constraints are sometimes malleable. People often shun anything close to bad ideas. However, unrecognized good ideas often surround bad ideas.

Providing a single “best” solution undermines the architect’s credibility and removes agency from stakeholders. Like smartphone navigation, an IT architect often lacks full knowledge, may not grasp all requirements or environment, or solutions may provide unexpected opportunities for stakeholders. The biggest barrier is frequently identifying good alternates.

However, the biggest reason why alternatives are so powerful is IT architects need to differentiate themselves and sell their role. IT architects are not accountable like managers or responsible like implementors. Their value proposition is technical insights and good designs. Creating, evaluating and comparing the alternatives provides those insights and demonstrates the superiority of that design.

Image is from https://pixabay.com/illustrations/arrows-alternatives-many-direction-3438123/.

The Problem with Agile Transformations

It seems every organization wants to transform itself to become more agile. They want to respond to opportunities quickly and cost-effectively. They want to adapt faster than their competition in the Darwinian corporate landscape. COVID-19, for example, required a quick shift to remote working for their employees and remote interactions with clients and suppliers. Geopolitical changes alter supply chains and increase legislation. Cloud, IoT and similar internal IT trends accelerate.

An agile transformation often starts with a consultant-led agile processes adoption. These range from methodologies like Scrum at the small scale and Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) at the highest. Despite some negativity in the agile community aimed at higher scale methodologies, these methodologies help by providing structure, vocabulary, and expectations.

However, following an agile process is the least important part of being agile. An organization attempting to increase agility solely by adopting a new process usually creates superficial changes that foster change fatigue, at best, or failure, at worst. This failure is often then incorrectly attributed to the process without any more profound and helpful introspection, leading to the negativity mentioned earlier.

An agile organization needs agile systems. “Agile systems” does not refer to using a tool like JIRA to track work. Agile systems, both IT and business processes, are easily changed and provide feedback for timely validation or correction.

Modern software development practices are a good example. Frequent demos to users and stakeholders and automated testing and deployment, for instance, ritualize change and create tighter feedback loops.

However, an organization’s systems are not agile if only their software development teams are agile. For example, consultants often build organizations’ back office and operational systems by customizing third-party tools. Organizations then maintain them with skeleton teams and, therefore, usually lack the skills or the environment to change them safely and cost-effectively.

Product Owners are not the answer. Product Owners can shield their team’s backlog to encourage agility. However, systems are more extensive than just the team or teams that maintain or implement them. Product Owners are also usually experts in the business area and handling internal politics. They are rarely also design experts and incentivized to think strategically.

Agility extends to data. Organizations are under increasing pressure to collect and monetize data. Agility requires knowing where that data is (“systems of record”), ensuring its quality and integrating it with other systems (“systems of engagement” or “systems of transformation”).

Governance systems must adapt. Regulatory, financial, legal, risk, IT security, privacy and similar teams must work in smaller batches. A lengthy, formal review of a completed system is often too late.

Unfortunately, articulating the benefits of agile systems is difficult. Pruning teams to their minimums has clear short-term financial benefits. Executives often overstate their systems’ capabilities through ignorance or self-promotion. Product teams may fall into the trap of a short-term, sales-oriented focus under the guise of being customer-focused. A system’s agility often depends on an executive’s skill at shielding budgets or convincing stakeholders.

These problems may extend to company culture. Business processes sometimes lack an agreed, empowered business owner. IT is sometimes “seen and not heard”. Insufficient executive representation or ownership means minimal focus and support, making agility practically impossible.

An agile organization also needs an agile structure. This statement may sound tautological. However, an otherwise agile organization that cannot leverage and benefit from that agility wastes that effort.

A good example is what SAFe terms the “network” versus the “hierarchy”. Most organizations structure themselves hierarchically around similar skills for ease of management. For example, an organization often has a legal department for lawyers, a sales department for salespeople and an IT department for developers and system administrators.

However, work frequently requires people across different teams to cooperate, called the “network”. Identifying value chains then building and supporting these multidisciplinary teams to implement and enhance them increases flow, ownership, and individuals’ agency. Effective use of “networks” requires different management techniques and incentivizing outcomes, not throughput. These often fail without executive support.

Organizations are rarely homogeneous. Some teams or systems may be more agile than others, such as through mergers/acquisitions or pockets of conscientious staff. Tracking and aligning these is vital. Otherwise, some teams may adopt inconsistent processes or tools, be omitted from the transformation or optimize at others’ expense.

This all assumes the organization’s bottleneck is the lack of agility. Organizations frequently want to decrease “friction” but cannot articulate it beyond the highest level. Defining friction by actionable, measurable metrics is a prerequisite. Increasing agility also only highlights any poor prioritization or lack of focus.

The “transformation” concept is also a misnomer. Agile thinking encourages constant self-evaluation and improvement, and this “transformation” does not end when the consulting engagement does. From the executive viewpoint, this can scarily move the fulcrum of structural control into the middle and lower levels of the organization.

The chosen agile methodology’s principles best guide agile transformations. Unfortunately, people easily gloss over these in favour of the easily implemented and more prescriptive processes. However, these are often what the more prescriptive parts are derived from, not vice versa. If you want to be agile, internalize the principles!

Agile transformations are more than superficial changes. Focusing too much on process changes instead of systems and structures often stalls or blocks agile transformations. Instead, these transformations require people to move outside their comfort zones, particularly executives. The problem with agile transformation is it is hard but increasingly necessary.

The image is from https://digileaders.com/webinar-shape-agile-organisation/, used under Creative Commons license.

Who moved my toast?

My glorious, slightly dirty toaster

A few weeks ago, my wife was cleaning the kitchen. She unplugged the toaster that I use every morning, cleaned the bench then plugged it back in. Unfortunately, she plugged it into the left power socket not the right.

I turn off my toaster when I am not using it. When I made my breakfast the next morning, I placed the bread in the toaster then instinctively turned on the right power socket. A few minutes later, I wondered where my toast was. I discovered I had turned on the wrong socket, as you can see in the image above.

Amused at my mistake, I switched on the correct socket and soon after was enjoying my toast. However, I made the mistake the next day and the day after that and the day after that.

Many people, including Mark Zuckerberg’s famous comments around his dull wardrobe, emphasize focusing on important decisions and automating or standarizing others. Productivity is often determined by attention or energy management, more so than time management or attention to detail.

Without realizing it, I had done a Zuckerberg with my toaster. It got me wondering what other assumptions had I made throughout my day.

Specifically, are there small things I do that have a big impact on me or others? Are there “broken windows” I need to fix?

What further improvements can I make to streamline my day and focus my energy on things that have a greater personal or professional impact?

What if the underlying optimizations or assumptions I use change? What if someone “moves my cheese”?

Similarly, sometimes the small things with systems are actually the big things. As architects, we often prefer cost and features over things like user experience. However, user experience has a bigger and more lasting impression on the people part of the systems we engineer.

Ironically, the image above was taken a some time after cleaning. The toaster and bench need another clean. I wonder what I will discover about myself next time?

Information security meets scaled Agile

Australian Cyber Security Magazine Issue 8 2019 Cover

Australian Cyber Security Magazine published an article of mine titled “Information Security meets scaled Agile”, describing how large scale Agile processes work and how Information Security can best adapt to it and succeed. The article is on pages 18 to 20.

Architecture as Persuasion

You have just presented your architecture to management. You slaved over every technical detail, followed all the standard templates and convinced all the technical leads. Every “i” is dotted and “t” crossed. Expecting praise for a job well done, the presentation never really engaged with the audience. The R&D manager asked about an off-the-shelf solution instead and the operations and IT managers argued over who would operate the system. Others seemed disinterested. What went wrong?

Software developers, infrastructure engineers and other technical roles reflexively solve problems using their technical expertise. It is their strength and value to the organization. However, it gives them tunnel vision on both the possible solutions and how to present them.

As we scale up architecture to solution or enterprise architecture; the economic, staffing, tooling and political impact increases. Architects are not salespeople and our audience wants us to help solve their problems. However, architecture is not just about presenting technical solutions. It is about persuading stakeholders that the solution presented is the best.

To do so, first understand the true scope of the problem and the solution. In addition to systems and tools (where architects from technical background excel), a business comprises people and process too (where architects from technical backgrounds fare less well). If in doubt, identify and engage those knowledgeable to assist.

This is where different architecture representations excel. While many technical architects focus on application, infrastructure or data architecture, also capture process (e.g. BPMN or flowcharts) and people/functions (e.g. use case diagrams). Use existing repositories, tools or standards if they exist to avoid duplication. Pictures and diagrams are generally more effective than blocks of text. If a new system requires staffing changes, work with the appropriate managers first and avoid open discussion of this until details are finalized.

Second, preempt questions and concerns. The architecture presentation should not be is the first time you learn of a concern. Put yourself in the shoes of stakeholders. Apply analysis not just to the problem but also the audience. Asking stakeholders for advice is almost always received positively.

List the other possible solutions for each key decision and justify the chosen solution, like the TOGAF “Consolidated Gaps, Solutions, and Dependencies Matrix”. Less experienced architects may find it difficult to even articulate each decision because they are instinctively leaping to a sound technical solution and not taking the requisite steps back. The best architects argue against their own architectures to find gaps. Have this list accessible because you never know when you may be ambushed in the corridor.

In this justification, consider looking outside your organization. While you are not writing an academic article with a minimum required number of citations, referencing industry standards and publications can help stakeholders unfamiliar with an area understand this is not new ground.

More experienced architects take an economic view. Architects need not detail exact cost amounts (it will usually be wrong) but the most cost-effective solution may not be the technically best solution.

Another technique is to create different material for each audience, like TOGAF views satisfying viewpoints. Remove some technical detail for non-technical audiences and use the material for the different perspectives described above. While time-consuming; a succinct, relevant case is more persuasive than a longer, less-relevant one.

Third, make your slides or material attractive. If you want people looking at it, it needs to be something pleasant to look at. Consistent formatting, notation and color schemes are all important. Storytelling and similar techniques can also help but should be used sparingly – architects are not salespeople.

Fourth, own problems or areas, not solutions. Senior stakeholders are very good at sensing hidden agendas, like an architect pushing their preferred design. If someone has a point, acknowledge it and, if you need time to think it over, ask for it. Argue strongly but hold opinions weakly.

Lastly, architects need to be thought leaders in their organization by shaping terminology and direction while understanding the technical and business environment they are responsible for. An architect’s goal is to shepherd the business toward a better state than it is now.

Many architects mistake thought leadership for being more technically knowledgeable and skilled than developers or engineers. This can be sustained in the short term but technical subject matter experts (SMEs) will eventually surpass the architect. They devote more time to it – it is their function. It also can bias the architect toward the status quo and technical solutions – something that may dissuade less technical stakeholders.

Instead, architects should learn about as many different perspectives as possible. Architects need to be the team of “know” instead of the team of “no”. Listening is power and understanding peoples’ needs and wants, including technical SMEs, is the first step toward satisfying them. It also builds trust and, ultimately, persuasion is built on trust.

The image is from Pixabay (https://pixabay.com/fr/photos/persuasion-indian-wrestling-567950/) and used under the Pixabay license (https://pixabay.com/fr/service/license/).