Random Acts of Architecture

Wisdom for the IT professional, focusing on chaos that is IT systems and architecture.

Tag Archives: Security

IBM zDay

IBM zSystems Hardware

Tomorrow, on 15 September 2022, IBM is hosting a free, virtual, one-day conference called IBM zDay. It covers audiences from students to traditional mainframe operators and topics from Linux and cloud to mainframes, piquing my interest.

For some, the brand IBM conjures images of dusty mainframes, almost the antithesis of what seems “in vogue”. Information Technology can be a “winner takes all” industry, where only a few players dominate. 

However, dismissing IBM is unwise. IBM is still a vast services company, owns Red Hat and drives significant research and innovation. Also, a vendor’s dominance does not mean its products automatically are the best for you.

Examining how different vendors solve the same problem is fascinating. Each has different strengths and messages. Looking at the same problem with different eyes can find assumptions or bottlenecks. For example, a hypothetical vendor or product switch could highlight opportunities or optimal choices.

In a world where cloud-based services abstract and commoditize hardware and networking, IBM is pushing its zSystems hardware. These modern mainframes run Linux simultaneously with more traditional mainframe operating systems. Understanding their capabilities and economics is pivotal, given that many companies still use on-premise equipment for mission-critical systems.

The Modernization stream looks interesting. Every established organization supports legacy systems they would develop differently if modern solutions were available. Vendors often ignore these, focusing on the “latest and greatest” offerings. While likely aimed at selling new IBM solutions to existing IBM clients, seeing a vendor focus on this area is refreshing. 

IBM also sprinkles often overused terms like artificial intelligence, sustainability, security and privacy throughout the schedule. Seeing “big blue” deliver something substantial or unique would be welcome.

Unfortunately, the timezone for IBM zDay is not friendly to Australians. However, I registered and look forward to perusing key sessions afterwards. Even if I am not an IBM customer, a broader understanding helps me be a better IT professional.

InfoSec: Not just for hackers

everybody-needs-a-hackerI recently read Troy Hunt’s blog post on careers in information security. Troy makes good points about information security as a potential career and the benefits of certifications like the Certified Ethical Hacker. Hackers are getting increasingly sophisticated, requiring specific knowledge to counter, and cryptography is hard. We need more information security specialists.

However, one criticism of the post, indeed the information security industry, is its implication hacking is the sole information security career path. This binary viewpoint – you are either a security person or not and there is only one “true” information security professional – does more harm than good.

Hacking is technology focused. However, security’s scope is not just technical. Information security needs people that can articulate security issue impact, potential solutions and their cost in terms non-security people can understand. This requires expertise and credibility in multiple disciplines from individual contributor level to management to boardrooms.

Security solutions are not just technical. We live in societies governed by laws. These can be standardized government security requirements as FedRAMP or IRAP. These can be contractual obligations like PCI-DSS, covering credit card transactions. These can hold organizations accountable, like mandatory breach disclosure legislation, or protect or privacy, like the European Union’s Data Protection laws. Effective legislation requires knowledge of both law and information security and the political nous to get it enacted.

We are also surrounded by financial systems. Financial systems to punish those with weak security and reward those with good security will only evolve if we (consumers and investors) value security more. Cyber insurance has potential. Cryptographic technologies like bitcoin and block chain algorithms are threatening to disrupt the financial sectors. Information security has and will continue to impact finance.

The list goes on. Law enforcement needs to identify, store and present cybercrime evidence to juries and prosecute under new and changing laws. Hospitals and doctors want to take advantage of electronic health records..

The security technology focus drives people away non-technology people. In a world crying out for diversity and collaboration, the last thing information security needs is people focusing solely inward on their own craft, reinforcing stereotypes of shady basement dwellers, and not on systems security enables.

Bringing this back to software, many organizations contract or hire in information security experts. Unfortunately, the OWASP Top 10 changed little from 2010 to 2013 and some say is unlikely to change in the 2016 call for data. According to the Microsoft Security Intelligence Report, around half of serious, industry wide problems are from applications. Developers make the same mistakes again and again.

Education is one solution – security literate developers will avoid or fix security issues themselves. A better solution is tools and libraries that are not vulnerable in the first place, moving security from being reactive to proactive. For example, using an Object-Relational Mapping library or parameterized queries instead of string substitution for writing SQL.

Unfortunately, security people often lack skills to contribute to development and design beyond security. While information security touches many areas, information security expertise is not development (or networking or architecture or DevOps) expertise.

Information security needs different perspectives to succeed. As Corey House, a Puralsight author like Troy Hunt says in his course Becoming an Outlier, one route to career success is specialization. Information security is a specialization for everyone to consider, not just hackers.

Image credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/adulau/8442476626

CCSP Review


After passing the exam, I wanted to capture my thoughts on the Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP), the latest certification from (ISC)2 (known for the CISSP certification) and the Cloud Security Alliance.

The CCSP certification is a vendor-nonspecific focus on cloud security, including infrastructure, risk management, cloud applications, legal and compliance. Like the CISSP, the syllabus is broad rather than deep and represents a good foundation in cloud security issues.

The CCSP is best suited to junior or intermediate IT security staff working in cloud security, although junior staff may struggle with the sheer breadth without experience to ground it. It is also useful for senior IT security staff that would to move into the cloud quickly, people that delegate specifics to others (like IT security management and auditors) or those in related roles looking for a cloud security context (like architects).

The CCSP is not intended to give technical or hands-on skills. This means the certification is not outdated quickly when the next product is released. However, candidates looking for hands-on skills common to junior or intermediate positions will need additional experience, training or certifications.

The exam is 125 multiple choice questions in 4 hours, administered by computer at a testing center. The exam is quite new, with a few typographical and editing errors. There is a lot of reading and people with poor English or reading difficulties may struggle.

The exam contains a mix of good questions, like scenarios asking for the best security control or first task, and less good ones, like examples of specific technologies. Scenario based questions require understanding a large body of information, extracting the relevant portions then making a decision. This mirrors the real world. Specific technology examples, while showing real world relevance, tend to date quickly and can be industry specific.

In terms of training material, (ISC)2 provides a textbook , online training (live webinars) and self-paced training (recorded sessions). The (ISC)2 material is often the best method for determining the actual content of the exam as the outline is very high level. However, it is expensive, has more than a few editing errors and the activities/self tests could be improved. The recorded videos also need the option to play faster like YouTube or PluralSight because merely skipping can potentially miss important points.

Looking ahead, cloud concepts and technology are changing rapidly. The current CCSP material focuses on moving existing on-premise security solutions, e.g. event monitoring (e.g. SIEM) and network monitoring (e.g. NIDS), to the cloud. As new and cloud-native products and concepts emerge, e.g. cloud access security brokers (CASB), or evolve, e.g. identity services, it will be challenging to keep the CCSP relevant and up-to-date.

I was also glad to see an increasing focus on software development and application security. Automation is driving software to be written by non-developers and outside traditional security programs. This is another area that will likely become more important in the future.

Note: At the time of writing, while I have passed the exam, I have not completed the checks and endorsement required to be awarded the certification. Sitting the exam requires the signing of an NDA so exam specifics are intentionally omitted.


Privacy is one of those oft misused terms that people throw around, particularly related to discussions of the SOPA or PROTECT-IP acts in the US. This is an ethical question and, unfortunately, arguments on either side usually degenerate into straw man arguments about “big brother” versus “pirates, criminals or terrorists”.

Taking a step back, privacy can mean one of three things in the context of information technology. First, privacy can mean anonymity, where people can contribute to discussions or other activities without having those comments attributable to them directly. Outside large organizations, this is usually accomplished by adopting a new identity such as a forum user or an online game character. Inside organizations, anonymity is rare. Authority and accountability require real names to be used and identity can be centrally managed even if single sign on or federated authentication are still rare.

Many arguments over anonymity descend into questions of what information can individually identify people, called Personally Identifiable Information (PII)? For example, is the IP address you use to access the Internet PII? If you are the only person accessing the Internet from that IP address and you use it for a long time, it may be. However, if you are behind a NAT, firewall or similar measure this may not be the case.

The problem is these discussions often consider potential PII in isolation. For example, my company regularly performs employee surveys. As the only Australian employee in my business group, if I select my country or office, I immediately lose anonymity. Few will argue that someone’s country is PII but it is more complicated in this case. Add that to easy inference and access to analytics and the situation becomes even more complicated.

Second, privacy can mean confidentiality, where people want to restrict access to information. This is usually enforced by access control (e.g. file permissions) or encryption (controlling who has access through protecting and distributing keys). A common example is a person’s medical records being available to medical professionals treating them but not to others. These records may be available to a wider audience of medical professionals for research or statistics as long as PII is removed.

However, confidentiality alone is not sufficient for privacy. Continuing the medical example, just because you want your doctor to see your medical records does not mean you want him or her to send them to a local newspaper to print potentially embarrassing stories about you. The doctor is permitted to use the records for treating you only. In other words, privacy can mean restricting information use, usually defined via laws or consent from the subject (the person the information describes or identifies).

Privacy in all three forms is clearly important for software dealing with external customers, particularly in areas with heavy legislation such as the medical or financial industries. Information on these could fill novels, is usually jurisdiction specific and is better covered elsewhere.

Some would argue enterprise software targeted at employees is less concerned with privacy. Most organizations’ policies state that employees using organization provided computers or systems submit to scanning for malware, logging of actions, indexing and retention for later retrieval and so on and complying to these policies is usually a condition of employment. Some countries’ governments also require access to otherwise confidential information, such as the recent issues with Blackberry devices being too secure.

However, this is not the case everywhere. Many countries, Europe in particular, have strong privacy laws. These benefit the subject by restricting the collected information’s use to that consented at the time of collection. However, well-meaning privacy legislation can impact IT in unintended ways. For example, if an application logs the path to a file “c:\users\joe\my documents\doc.txt” (Windows) or “/home/joe/Documents/doc.txt” (Mac, *nix) for usage statistics or supportability, has it inadvertently captured the user’s name (clearly PII) in the path and should the application remove or obfuscate that directory in the path?

Many countries also limit the movement of PII across country borders. Consent can permit it but the consent must be specific and prior. This creates challenges when aggregating data across and enterprise, systems with ad hoc reporting systems or those that share data. This is particularly challenging with cloud based systems where the location of data is unclear or data is replicated across multiple locations for redundancy.

The target market of software architect’s products influence or dictate its privacy needs.Indeed, as the individual responsible for non-functional requirements, software architects should understand which form(s) of privacy apply and for whom. They need not be experts – legal departments are for that – but knowing what to work around and work with are important, particularly for bigger sales. Indeed, if SOPA/PROTECT-IP is passed, software architects may have even more to learn and apply.